Practice to Performance – A Professional Look on a Beginner Budget

Practice to Performance – A Professional Look on a Beginner Budget

Posted by Rhinestones Unlimited on Aug 30th 2017

Be honest: if you clicked past Dancing with the Stars on your way to your all-time favorite movie marathon, wouldn’t you go back to the ballroom show - just for a minute - to see what the woman’s dress looked like?


Trust me - we all lust after those jaw dropping confections swirling around the dance floor. In fact, I can’t recall any moment in the office when one of us saw a picture of our customers’ ball gowns and didn’t let out an audible Ooooo or Aaaaahh. The princess fantasy - gorgeous formal dress, hair done up, crystals sparkling as we elegantly glide across the floor - is part of the appeal of ballroom dance. It’s the part that elevates us to a higher performance plane - when we dress the part, we feel the part. (I call that the magic of costume.) This is all well and good for the high-level professional dancers of the world. But what about the beginners, the Bronze Level dancers, the Ams in Pro/Am? 

The costs associated with a couture costume can be prohibitive to new dancers who want to dip their dance shoe-clad toe into the competition pool, or even to pros who need to maintain an entire costume collection. Ovation Performance Jewelry & Accessories™, made with Swarovski® crystals, give new competitors the opportunity to look polished and professional on a Bronze Level budget and allows a pro to change up her look without breaking the bank. Add a crystal belt and an applique, throw on a matching set of jewelry, and you’ve got a costume to be proud of - a costume featuring Swarovski crystals that looks as elegant as any on the floor, with the sparkle of the finest crystal in the world! 

Not only can the pieces in the Marquis Collection grow with the amateur dancer as her skills – and dance level – increase, but they’re versatile enough to allow professionals to change their look when they take the floor with students of different levels and styles. The pieces pack light, cost little, and sparkle brilliantly!

Marquis Launch_Day 3 So, ladies, keep dreaming your dreams of poufy princess gowns and glittering dresses that bare to there; you will get to the next level if you keep moving…and we can help you take that first step with confidence! -xo- Jemm 

Shop our Marquis Collection here! Rhinestones Unlimited blog author Jemm Stone is a multifaceted girl navigating our sparkly world with on-point insights. Visit to follow her thoughts as she highlights design trends, turns the spotlight on industry influencers and breaks down how-to tips like light through a crystal prism. 

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